Awards & Recognition
ICAS Awards
Award | For each level in each country |
Principal’s Award | Principals may wish to award this certificate to students who have made progress that may not have been recognised otherwise. The awarding of Certificates is entirely at the discretion of schools |
High Distinction | The top 1% of participants in each level in Malaysia |
Distinction | The next 10% of participants in each level in Malaysia |
Credit | The next 25% of participants in each level in Malaysia |
Merit | The next 10% of participants in each level in Malaysia |
Participation | All the remaining participants |
**The percentages allocated to awards are approximate and will vary according to the number of students taking each test and the distribution of their scores.
ICAS Medals
Students with the top score in each subject in each year level are awarded a medal and a medal winner’s certificate. It should be noted that students must have sat the relevant assessment on the official ICAS sitting date and the result must be judged as sufficiently meritorious to be eligible for a medal.
** Terms and conditions apply. Students who sit ICAS on an alternative sitting date may not be eligible for an ICAS medal.
Congratulations to our 2022 ICAS Medal Winners!
We congratulate the 2022 ICAS medal winners on their outstanding achievements and recognise the educators, families and communities that have supported them this year. Sixty-one (61) students were presented with 70 gold medals for their exceptional performance in ICAS 2022 Medal Presentation Ceremony at Azman Hashim Auditorium, Bangunan AICB, Kuala Lumpur.
Representatives from the Australian High Commission, President of the National Association of Private Educational Institutions, Janison Australia’s Chief Academic Officer and winning schools were present as we honoured each medal-winning student.