Digital Technologies
General computer skills drawn from a range of curriculum areas and focussing on a variety of computing contexts, including:
- Common operating systems and hardware
- Graphics and multimedia
- Internet and email
- Programming and scripting
- Spreadsheets and databases
- Word processing
Reading and language skills in a range of texts. Students are required to locate, identify, interpret, infer and synthesise information in and about texts, focusing on the aspects of:
- Reading for meaning in factual texts
- Syntax
- Textual devices
- Vocabulary
- Reading for meaning in literary texts
Mathematical skills in a range of contexts from the following areas:
- Algebra and patterns
- Change and data
- Measures and units
- Number and arithmetic
- Space and geometry
Scientific skills in the subject contexts of Earth and Beyond, Energy and Change, Life and Living, Natural and Processed Materials, and including:
- Knowledge
- Interpreting data
- Investigating
- Measuring and observing
- Predicting concluding from data
- Reasoning problem solving
Constructing an aspect of a narrative text or a form of persuasive writing, demonstrating:
- Language choices that enhance the writing
- Punctuation
- Spelling
- Syntax and grammar
- Text purpose and structure